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Achieve a Smaller Pout

Many men and women seek plumper lips. However, for some, their naturally thick lips make them feel self-conscious, and they would like to achieve smaller, more proportionately balanced lips. Our lip liposuction in Fort Lauderdale can create a more desirable, less protruding pout for a smile that you feel excited to share with the world.

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Why Choose Our Top Aesthetics Surgeon?

With a medical degree from Buenos Aires, Argentina’s elite Universidad Favoloro, Dr. Humberto Palladino has extensive expertise in cosmetic procedures to enhance your face and body. With a meticulous artistic eye for aesthetic balance, Dr. Palladino brings a gentle touch when handling the delicate structures of the face.

With a commitment to surgical excellence, you can trust that Dr. Palladino will keep your best interest in mind, exceeding your expectations every step of the way in his beautiful Fort Lauderdale practice. His training at the world-renowned Mayo Clinic prepared him with the most up-to-date techniques for outstanding results.

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What Is Lip Liposuction?

A delicate procedure requiring extreme precision, lip liposuction removes excess skin and fatty tissue to improve the size and shape of the lips. Dr. Palladino can reshape thick or protruding lips to the desired aesthetic, enhancing upper and lower lip balance to harmonize the face.

What You Can Expect


Performed using local anesthesia, lip liposuction removes excess fatty tissue through a tiny incision inside the lip. The procedure takes an hour or two and requires expert-level surgical techniques to remove just the right amount of tissue for a balanced and symmetrical lip shape. Because of the incision’s location, the resultant scar is concealed inside the mouth.


Swelling, bruising, and redness happen after any surgical procedure and will disappear within a few days to weeks. You can use ice packs and medication to reduce these side effects. Most patients can return to work within a week but must avoid activities that could harm the lips for several weeks. Dr. Palladino recommends sleeping with your head elevated to reduce swelling.

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Benefits of Lip Liposuction

For men and women who desire smaller, more proportionate lips, our lip liposuction in Fort Lauderdale allows you to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Enhanced facial harmony
  • Smaller, sculpted lips
  • Improved symmetry
  • Aesthetically pleasing shape
  • Improved self-confidence

What Are the Risks?

Lip reduction surgery has minimal risks when performed by a qualified and careful plastic surgeon. However, some possible side effects include:

  • Swelling, bruising, and redness
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Temporary numbness
  • Scar tissue
  • Asymmetry

Candidates for Lip Liposuction

Patients seeking to reduce the size or balance the shape of their lips may be good candidates for our lip liposuction in Fort Lauderdale. Lip reduction surgery cosmetically improves the facial balance by removing the excess tissue from the lips. Sometimes it also serves a functional purpose when patients find it difficult to eat or pronounce certain words due to their oversized lips. To determine if you are a candidate for lip liposuction, schedule a consultation with Dr. Palladino today. He will thoroughly assess your face and help you decide the best size and shape for your desired aesthetic.

Luxury Experience. Great Value.

Top Aesthetics brings you some of Fort Lauderdale’s most caring and knowledgeable doctors who highly value the patient experience. Having developed a luxury practice with quality services, we ensure that everything runs smoothly for a comfortable and efficient aesthetic transformation. With the safest techniques and most streamlined methods, we can offer you a great value that makes a luxury cosmetic surgical experience accessible to anyone.

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