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Enhance Your Breast Contours

Millions of women worldwide have sought to transform their silhouettes through breast augmentation surgery. By enhancing the breast contours, breast augmentation can create a more balanced and proportional body shape, which helps women feel more confident and attractive.

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What Is Breast Augmentation?

The breast augmentation procedure uses implants or fat transfer to surgically increase the volume of the breasts, improve the shape and projection, enhance cleavage, and produce more voluptuous, feminine curves. A popular procedure for women worldwide, breast augmentation surgery helps women achieve the aesthetic they desire so they feel more attractive and confident in their bodies.

Breast Augmentation Before & After


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Breast Augmentation Procedure

Our breast augmentation in Fort Lauderdale offers a lot of potential for customization based on the different implant types and placement and the incision options available. Dr. Palladino will discuss the options during your consultation and help you choose the technique that will achieve the size, shape, and contour you desire.

Why Choose Our Top Aesthetics Surgeon?

Also known as the MagicSurgeon, Dr. Humberto Palladino founded Top Aesthetics in Fort Lauderdale to carry on the legacy of his expert-level training from the prestigious Mayo Clinic, delivering high-class luxury surgical care in Fort Lauderdale at a price they can afford. Dr. Palladino has assembled an elite team of doctors ready to transform the lives of their patients through quality cosmetic procedures.

With double board certification and a medical degree from the top-tier Universidad Favoloro in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dr. Palladino offers the most updated surgical techniques for safe, comfortable, and efficient operation. His outstanding and natural-looking results thrill his patients, which is why he has maintained such a high patient satisfaction rate over the years.

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Breast Implant Types


  • Made of a cohesive gel-like substance inside a pre-filled silicone shell
  • Look and feel much like authentic breast tissue
  • Require a larger incision for proper placement due to the pre-filled nature
  • Maintain a more solid form that prevents them from visibly rippling or wrinkling
  • May be more difficult to notice a potential rupture


  • Made of a saltwater solution inside a silicone shell
  • Feel less natural than silicone implants
  • Maintain a less solid form that makes them more prone to rippling or wrinkling
  • Require a smaller incision since the shell is filled after it is placed in the body
  • May be easier to notice a potential rupture

Gummy Bear

  • Made of a cohesive gummy-like silicone gel
  • Feel very similar to authentic breast tissue
  • Teardrop shape gives the breast a natural-looking resting position
  • Form-stable structure allows the implant to retain its shape
  • Difficult to notice a potential rupture
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Breast Augmentation Incision Options


The inframammary technique traces the incision along the crease underneath the breast tissue where it meets the chest area, which offers ideal placement for submuscular implants. Mild visible scarring may happen, but it is hidden under the breast tissue.


The periareolar technique traces the incision around the areola’s edge, which offers ideal placement for subglandular implants and saline or smaller silicone implants. Although the scarring will be hidden around the nipple’s edge, there may be some visible scarring.


The transaxillary approach traces the incision within the armpit’s soft tissue, which hides any potential scarring and allows the breast to remain free from scars. Although more technically demanding, the transaxillary incision works well for women who want to breastfeed at some point.

Breast Augmentation Implant Placement Options


  • Placement over the muscle
  • Rests between the mammary gland and the pectoral muscle
  • Enhances cleavage definition
  • Avoids implant distortion while flexing the pectoral muscle
  • Easier placement and minimal downtime
  • Less supportive structure
  • Higher potential for noticeable rippling
  • Increased capsular contracture rate


  • Placement under the muscle
  • Rests beneath the mammary gland and pectoral muscle
  • Offers additional support for patients with thinner tissue
  • Implant distortion may occur slightly while flexing the muscle
  • Camouflages implant edges more effectively
  • Requires longer recovery time
  • Less potential for noticeable rippling
  • Decreased capsular contracture rate
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Breast Augmentation Using Fat Transfer

Fat transfer offers a different option for enhancing the size and shape of the breasts without the use of implants. Women with unwanted excess fat deposits around their lower back, abdomen, thighs, and hips may elect to augment their breasts while contouring other body areas with liposuction.

By harvesting fat from donor body areas and purifying it through a centrifuge, Dr. Palladino, located in Fort Lauderdale, can artistically reinject the purified fat into the breasts to create a naturally full contour using the body’s own tissue. This technique allows for subtle breast enhancement along with body contouring.

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Am I a Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

  • You are dissatisfied with the size or shape of your breasts and desire enhancement.
  • Are in good overall health and do not have any medical conditions that could impair healing.
  • Your breasts are fully developed, typically around the age of 18 or older.
  • Have realistic expectations about the results of the surgery.
  • You understand the risks and potential complications of the procedure.
  • Have specific goals in mind for the size, shape, and appearance of your breasts after augmentation.
  • You are a non-smoker or willing to quit smoking before and after the procedure.

What are the Benefits of Breast Augmentation?

  • Increased breast volume and size to achieve desired proportions.
  • Improved breast symmetry for a more balanced appearance.
  • Enhanced self-confidence and body image.
  • Expanded clothing options, including swimsuits and form-fitting clothing.
  • Restored breast volume and shape after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss.
  • Customizable results with various implant types, sizes, and placement options to suit individual preferences.
  • Long-lasting results with proper implant maintenance and follow-up care.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Process

It is common to experience bruising, swelling, and soreness after your breast augmentation in Fort Lauderdale, which will gradually subside as your body recovers. Dr. Palladino will equip you with a detailed recovery plan to maximize your healing outcome. You will receive a surgical bra to wear around the clock for the first two weeks to reduce swelling and support your newly enhanced breasts. Most patients can return to light activities, such as an office-type job, after the first week and must refrain from heavy lifting or strenuous activities for about six weeks.

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Luxury Experience for All

Top Aesthetics offers luxury cosmetic enhancement by some of the top doctors in Fort Lauderdale. Dedicated to providing safe, comfortable, and efficient surgical techniques, our committed team of qualified professionals prioritizes top-tier service at a great value so that patients from all walks of life can achieve their aesthetic goals and feel like royalty throughout the process.

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